The Internet is an essential and inevitable part of everyday school life. This is a good thing because children like to learn with digital media. But what are the advantages of online learning, and what should parents pay attention to?
Many parents are unsure about the topic of learning on the Internet – logically because there is also one of the other opponents in addition to many supporters. There is no standard or general answer to who is right, as so often there are always advantages and disadvantages – this also applies to online learning. But it usually brings light into the dark to know just that.
Advantages and benefits of virtual classroom
Overall, the development of online classroom software offers many opportunities to accompany students in their learning, motivate them, promote them individually, and broaden their experience. We have summarized the specific advantages of learning on and with the Internet for you:
Advantage #1: topicality of the content
Thanks to the Internet connection, once content and applications have been created, they can be checked regularly, updated, and improved if necessary. Many know this from the regular updates of their apps on tablets and smartphones: As soon as improvements are available, users can take the advantage.
But this not only offers many technical advantages: The content can also be updated quickly and easily online.
Advantage #2: Multimedia and interactivity
An online classroom software is particularly attractive for children because they are multimedia-based. They work with images, films, sounds, interactive 3D graphics, and writing simultaneously. This is the great fascination for schoolchildren – in contrast, a classic textbook must stand back. This has made self-learning so much easier than before, especially now that websites like Infinity Dish give out online study tips to help you evolve in your online learning.
There are also many interactive virtual classroom software on the Internet. With knowledge tests for children or online learning portals, every action by the user is followed by a reaction on the screen: figures move, doors open, the correct answer pops up. This way, users can immediately find out whether they are right or not. Incorrect information cannot solidify in the first place.
Advantage #3: Peer-based Learning
Children learn very well and like to work with others in the group – various approaches prove this to this peer learning. Onlinedigital or virtual classrooms offer ideal conditions for this. Wikis and digital classrooms allow many users to access a shared document, information, and images. In chats or forums, the students exchange their thoughts. Everyone can ask questions, and together the children research the answers and incorporate them into the document.
Advantage #4: Adaptation to the individual learning level
Children understand things differently quickly. They have different prior knowledge, concentrate better or worse, and are more or less interested in specific content. Online-based learning systems react directly and very flexibly to these different learning requirements and usually support students individually. For example, tasks are offered repeatedly if the entries were incorrect. Depending on their level of knowledge, children learn at different levels – if they are fit, switch to the next one. They often organize the order of the learning units themselves and are made aware of knowledge gaps. These advantages can also be used when designing school lessons.
Advantage #5: Motivation
If the learning content is excellent and appealing, age-appropriate, and with specific application situations, children are quickly motivated. But online learning, in particular, can create additional learning incentives: Children learn even more motivated if they have clearly defined goals in mind and can measure themselves against others.
Various learning platforms use this knowledge and have integrated leaderboards, point systems, and multiple levels as an incentive for users. The children receive feedback, can better classify their performance, and recognize where they still have to practice and what they can do for it themselves.
At the same time, they can immediately understand their learning progress. The sense of achievement of moving to the next level motivates them.
Advantage #6: Flexibility – Learn on the go
With online-based learning opportunities, children can learn wherever computers, tablets, or smartphones are available with Internet access. This makes learning more mobile and flexible. Waiting times at the airport or the train station, rainy days on vacation – there are many situations in which short learning units make sense and are fun for the children.
Regardless of how safe your child is on the web, it would help if you accompanied them as they learn online. This does not mean that you have to sit next to it every time your child starts the computer or tablet. It is essential that you keep an overview. Discuss the selection and get an idea of what your child is learning, how long, and with what success. Ask what experiences it has and how it assesses them.
Author bio:
Albert Smith is a digital marketing manager with Hidden Brains, a leading enterprise web & mobile app development company specializing in mobile & web applications, IoT, cloud, and big data services. He provides innovative ways to help tech companies, startups, and large enterprises build their brand.